Alle Artikel mit dem Schlagwort: policy learning

Vulnerability-based policy learning?

An abstract in preparation for a meeting in Boulder, Colorado: Vulnerability-based policy learning? On the interplay of coping arrangements, vulnerabilities and losses in community‐based flood management By William R. Freudenburga and Karl-Michael Höferlb a … Environmental Studies Department, University of California, Santa Barbara b … ILEN, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna The floods of 2002 in large parts of Europe and in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina 2005 in the USA revealed the vulnerability of developed countries to floods. So far different approaches on vulnerability assessment have been used to provide a basis to (re‑)design/enforce flood adaptation and mitigation strategies. This conception of a vulnerability-based policy learning unfolds itself along an (unspoken) rationalistic assumption: the higher the existing vulnerabilities and losses due to past floods, the higher the pressure to redesign/enforce flood adaptation and mitigation strategies. In contrast statements like “knowing better and losing even more” document clearly, that this rationalistic assumption is not indisputable. A group of scholars, recruiting itself out of a variety of disciplines, advocates therefore a rather …